
RSK is an open source, Ethereum compatible, Smart Contract platform secured by the Bitcoin Network. RSK adds value and expand functionality to the Bitcoin ecosystem by providing smart contracts and greater scalability.

In this onboarding example, we will deploy a smart contract to the RSK Testnet.


You can obtain some Testnet R-BTC tokens from RSK Testnet Faucet to be sent to your Link default account address: RSK Testnet Faucet

1. In Link, open up the setting dropdown menu and select New Project which starts the new project wizard.

Link New Project

2. Under Which contract would you like to use?, select Ownership if the contract already exists, or select Create new and then copy and paste the Ownership.sol code into the Source Code field. Set the Display Name as Ownership. Press Save and Next.

New Contract Link

3. Under Which Ethereum account would you like to use?, use the Default Account. This is the account we seeded with test R-BTC tokens as part of the setup.

Default Link Account

4. Under Which network would you like to use?, select Create new and call it RSK Testnet. Keep the Block Confirmations Needed at 0. Press Save and Next.

New Network Link

5. Under Which connector would you like to use?, select Create new. Call this connector RSK Testnet Connector and use the URL (see Public Nodes for more details). Ensure the Network selected is RSK Testnet. Press Save and Next.

New Network Connector Link

6. Now we just need to label our Deployment. Under Where is your contract deployed?, select Create new. Call this deployment Ownership RSK Testnet Deployment. Since we do not have an existing contract deployment, leave the Address field blank. Ensure the Account is the Default Account, the Contract is the Ownership contract and the Network RSK Testnet. Press Save and Next.

RSK deployment Link

7. Now we’re ready to deploy our contract to the RSK Testnet. Press Deploy and you should get a deployment in progress indicator icon. This might take up to a minute to complete. If deployed correctly, you’ll proceed to the next step to set up your API.

Ready to Deploy in Link

If you get a failed-to-fetch error after you have waited a minute, try to Deploy the contract again - you will likely see the contract is already deployed and at what address. If this is the case, simply press Next to continue the process.

Link Deployment Complete

8. Now we label our Ownership contract API. Under Name, call it ownership-rsk-testnet Also add in a human-readable display name. Ensure you are using the correct Contract Deployment. Press Save and Next.

Link API New

9. Now we label our Ownership API Consumer. This would normally be the name of the app or service calling the API. For example, let’s call the consumer Collectible Stamps App. Ensure you are using the correct API and Account. Press Save and Next.

Link Consumer New

10. Lastly, your consumer needs to authenticate with the Ownership API. An OAuth2.0 Client Secret is automatically generated. Ensure you are using the correct Principal/Consumer. Press Save, Next and then Finish.

Create new OAuth

Once you hit Finish, you should end up back at Home page and see your Ownership code in the IDE, the API tab and a gear icon containing the client_id and client_secret at the bottom of the page which you will use in your app.

API Documentation Link

Let’s also check that our Ownership contract deployed correctly on the RSK Testnet. Click on the Ethereum Contract Deployments menu item to see a list of contract deployments and their addresses. Copy and paste the address of the Ownership RSK Testnet Deployment into the RSK Testnet explorer to see the details of your contract deployment.

Link Contract Deployments List

In the above example, the contract address on the RSK network is 0xa187da3f23129e03904d1ad4a44062970b898e22.

RSK Explorer

And we see our contract deployed on RSK!

Now you can go ahead and use the API endpoints which are linked to the Ownership smart contract deployed on RSK Testnet!

Test Ownership API endpoints

A simple JavaScript file using the Link JavaScript SDK in a Node environment can be found here:

First, run npm install from your Terminal to install the node-fetch and @blockmason/link-sdk dependencies (see package.json).

Then, in ownership-link-sdk-demo.js, update the clientID and clientSecret for authentication.

Finally run the ownership-link-sdk-demo.js script using Node from the Terminal. You should see an output in Terminal similar to the following:

Ownership Script Example

Check your Ownership contract using the RSK Testnet Explorer to confirm the new transactions representing the setOwner() and getOwner() function calls.

Deploying to RSK Mainnet

If you want to deploy on the RSK Mainnet, just follow the same steps above with the following differences:

  1. Acquire mainnet R-BTC tokens to send to your Link default account wallet
  2. Use the use the appropriate RSK Network public nodes RPC URL for Mainnet.