RIF Storage JS



> npm install @rsksmart/rif-storage

Use in Node.js

var RifStorage = require('@rsksmart/rif-storage')

Use in a browser with browserify, webpack or any other bundler

var RifStorage = require('@rsksmart/rif-storage')

Use in a browser Using a script tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make the RifStorage obj available in the global namespace.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@rsksmart/rif-storage/dist/index.min.js"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@rsksmart/rif-storage/dist/index.js"></script>


This is a client library, therefore you need to provide access to the provider’s running node for specifics see Providers.

import RifStorage, { Provider } from '@rsksmart/rif-storage'

// Connects to locally running node
const storage = RifStorage(Provider.IPFS, { host: 'localhost', port: '5001', protocol: 'http' })

const fileHash = storage.put(Buffer.from('hello world!'))
const retrievedData = storage.get(fileHash) // Returns Buffer
console.log(retrievedData.toString()) // prints 'hello world!'

const directory = {
  'file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')},
  'other-file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')},
  'folder/with-file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')},
  'folder/with-other-folder/and-file': { data: Buffer.from('nice essay')}
const rootHash = storage.put(directory)
const retrievedDirectory = storage.get(rootHash)


This library integrates several (decentralized) storage providers, currently supported is:

  • IPFS using [js-ipfs-http-client]
  • Swarm using [Erebos] library


in-browser node ✅

RifStorage(Provider.IPFS, ipfsOptions)

ipfsOptions are directly passed to [js-ipfs-http-client], hence check that for syntax and options.

You can run a node directly in browser using [js-ipfs]. Just create instance and pass it instance instead of ipfsOption.


in-browser node ❌

RifStorage(Provider.SWARM, swarmOptions)

swarmOptions are directly passed to [Erebos], hence check that for syntax and options.