Integrate your dApp with RNS

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Use a compatible wallet

Detect user current browser wallet

First of all, let’s install the required packages

npm i web3 @rsksmart/rns

Now, let’s code! If there is a wallet extension, let’s enable it so we can interact with the blockchain.

if (window.ethereum) {
    const accounts = await window.ethereum.enable();
    const currentAddress = accounts[0];
} else {
    console.error('No wallet extension found!');

From this point onward, the code snippets assume that the wallet is already enabled and that the currentAddress variable is set.

Check if the wallet is connected to the proper network

Is important to confirm that the current blockchain is the one you are expecting.

RSK Mainnet ID: 30

RSK Testnet ID: 31

import Web3 from 'web3';
import RNS from '@rsksmart/rns';

const web3Instance = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider);
const rns = new RNS(web3Instance);

await rns.compose();

const networkId = rns.currentNetworkId;

From now on, we assume that rns is already instantiated.

Authenticate users

Authenticate with a given domain

If the current user already has a domain, you can authenticate it. With this approach, we check that the given domain owner is the currentAddress holder.

const owner = await rns.owner(domain);

if (owner == currentAddress) {
    console.log('Success login!');

setOwner() method is not implemented yet, you can follow its development here

Authenticate by detecting the domain with reverse operation

This approach is more complex. What we do here is to check if the currentAddress has a reverse resolution set. In that case, we use the name received and check its owner. If the owner of that name is also the currentAddress, then the user is authenticated.

const name = await rns.reverse(currentAddress);
const owner = await rns.owner(name);

if (owner == currentAddress) {
    console.log(`Success login for ${name}!`);

Gift subdomains to your users

As you are the owner of myapp.rsk, you are in charge of registering those new subdomains.

There are different approaches to create subdomains under your domain:

Create subdomains under your user’s domain

In order to create a subdomain, the sender should be the owner of the parent domain (more information). This allow your users create subdomains under their own domains.

const domain = 'alice.myapp.rsk';
const label = 'wallet';
const aliceAddress = await rns.addr('alice.myapp.rsk');
const newAddress = theOneAliceChose;

const createSubdomain = async (domain, label, aliceAddress, address) => {
    return rns.create(domain, label, aliceAddress, address);

This will create a new domain called wallet.allice.myapp.rsk that will point to address. The owner of this new domain will be alice.myapp.rsk.

Take in account that alice.myapp.rsk should sign the transaction because she is the owner of the parent domain.

Set a new address for your user’s domain

It’s really simple to change the address associated with a domain. You just need to make sure that the currentAddress is the owner of the domain and copy the method placed below.

const setAddressForDomain = async (domain, newAddress) => {
    await rns.setAddr(domain, newAddress);

Take in account that this method submits a transaction, so it will spend gas and will prompt the user to sign the transaction using the installed wallet.

Use domains instead of addresses within your app

A fundamental goal of RNS is to simplify blockchain user experience! Instead of typing addresses, why not let your users type domains? This is so much simpler!

The following code snippet is a method that receives a domain and returns an address. You can use it in your (client-side) dApp inputs, allowing users to enter just domains.

const getAddressFromDomain = async (domain) => {
    const address = await rns.addr(domain);
    return address;