RIF Lumino Network

The RIF Lumino Network is the first off-chain state channel network launched on RSK. It is also a cornerstone of a broader vision called RIF Payments which will allow users to seamlessly interact with multiple cross-blockchain off-chain networks such as Lumino, Lightning and Raiden.

RIF Lumino allows to make off-chain payments on any token deployed on RSK in a fast, reliable, with low fees and secured by the Bitcoin network. RIF Lumino will be the first payment network supported by RIF Payments in his path to a global financial inclusion. If you want to read more about RIF Lumino and how to be part of the network please follow the link https://explorer.lumino.rifos.org/

RIF Payments is a set of protocols whose primary goal is to enable fast and cheap peer-to-peer payments that could scale to achieve true world-wide financial inclusion. RIF Payments is composed of three main protocols:

  1. RIF Payments Full: it is a protocol which creates an abstraction layer to access different payment networks allowing cross-token and cross-network payments.
  2. RIF Payments Light: it is a protocol to allow light clients to access RIF Payments Full without jeopardizing security and decentralization.
  3. RIF Payments Exchange: this protocol will be used to discover intra-token exchange rates, optimizing the routing of payments to a great extent, selecting the nodes to route payments based on their scoring, exchange rate, and fees among other criteria.

RIF Lumino Explorer

Lumino Explorer shows information about the nodes of RIF Lumino Network Mainnet public explorer: http://explorer.lumino.rifos.org/

How to setup a Lumino Node

Follow instructions from this document

Lumino Full Document

Download the full document here https://docs.rifos.org/rif-lumino-network-specification-en.pdf